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Privacy Policy

Lightworks Digital is continually invested in protecting the privacy of individuals and ensuring the personal information we receive when you visit Lightworks Digital and our partner sites, is secure. This also includes Lightworks Digital pages on other sites, such as our profiles on social media.

Our privacy policy helps you understand the information that is made available to Lightworks Digital and third parties, every time you visit Lightworks Digital and our partner sites. It also lays out how we use and store this information securely.

The Lightworks Digital “Partner sites” include but are not limited to Lightworks Digital

Intellectual Property Rights

All Lightworks Digital’s (and our partner sites) intellectual property (including patents, trademarks, copyrights etc) that appears on our website (including content and software) shall remain the sole property of Lightworks Digital or its licensors. It is strictly forbidden to use our intellectual property or content, without Lightworks Digital’s written consent.

  • Written consent must be given by Lightworks Digital for our content to be republished 
  • Content from our website must not be sold or rented 
  • Content from our website must not be reproduced, duplicated, created derivatively, copied or otherwise exploited for any purpose
  • Content from our website must not be redistributed

Acceptable Use

By using our website, you agree to only do so for lawful purposes, without infringing the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else’s use and enjoyment of the website. It is prohibited to harass, distress or inconvenience any other user. This includes sharing offensive content. Content on our website should not be used for marketing related activities without written consent from Lightworks Digital and you must not use our website for commercial communication.

1. Lightworks Digital will collect personal information from you when you order or register on our site, as appropriate. You may be asked to enter your first name, last name, or e-mail address etc. For example, by completing a “contact us” form, a “reserve my seat form” or leaving a comment, we could use that data to help you receive the information or services that you require, or merely to respond to your comment. Submitting this personal information (first name, last name, email address etc) is completely voluntary. This information will be retained by Lightworks Digital.

Important to remember: If you submit your information to register for a Webinar and/or Live Hangout that is hosted by Lightworks Digital and a host(s) of another website – the personally identifiable information you provide to attend that webinar and/or live hangout will be shared with and retained by Lightworks Digital AND the other host(s) of the webinar/hangout.

2. Lightworks Digital collects information (that isn’t personally identifiable) about your activities when you visit Lightworks Digital.

The information we collect

Date, time and duration – of a visit to the website.

The amount of data (bytes) transmitted from Lightworks Digital (and our partners) to you – Lightworks Digital and our partner sites use this data to generate aggregated statistics about how Lightworks Digital and our partner sites are used. Lightworks Digital will not use this data to track the activities of users.

Internet domain name – If you are accessing the internet through a specific domain such as a business (“xbusiness.com) or a university (“xuniversity.edu).

Information about the computer setup – This can include information on the web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 5.0), the operating system (e.g., Unix, Mac OS, MS Windows), whether you have Java support, the version of Flash (e.g., 10.1 r85), the resolution of your screen (e.g., 1280×800), and connection speed (e.g., DSL, T1).

Internet Protocol (IP) Address – This can establish your computer’s location on the internet, meaning computers that are hosting Lightworks Digital and partner sites could send you content and other information.

The specific pages you access – we will receive each page you request to visit on Lightworks Digital and our partner sites.

Referring website – If you click on a link to Lightworks Digital or our partner sites on another website, we will receive the URL of that referring website.

Third party hosted content – Lightworks Digital and our partner sites may have third party web content hosted on some pages. This can include embedded videos hosted by services that aren’t Lightworks Digital and our partner sites. For example, content or functionality from the following third parties may be present on some Lightworks Digital and our partner sites pages:






Third party web measurement and customization technologies – These can include cookies which accompany the third party functionality. For more information, you should look at their own privacy policies. We do not knowingly use third party content that place a multi-session cookie prior to the user interacting with the content, e.g. by playing an embedded video.

1. You submit your personal data into the various forms on Lightworks Digital or on our partner sites.

2. Lightworks Digital uses third-party providers of analytics including, but not limited to, Google Analytics to analyze the data collected during the visit and persistent metrics cookies to enhance the website, our services, and our advertising. The third-party provider(s) of analytics do not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies and do not combine, match, or cross-reference Lightworks Digital and our partner sites information with any other information.

3. Lightworks Digital uses web measurement and customization technologies (such as cookies) to improve the functionality of Lightworks Digital and our partner sites. This is done by using the data to understand visitor behaviour, and optimise your visit. When you visit Lightworks Digital or our partner sites, your internet browser may download and save a “cookie” (a small file) so we can recognise your computer and browser every time you use Lightworks Digital. These cookies fall into two categories, based on the length of time they remain active:

Collecting the information

Single-session cookies only operate while your web browser is active. When the browser is closed, the cookies are deleted.

Multi-session cookies operate longer than a single session on a browser, which allows a website to recognise a computer or user (for a defined amount of time).

Use of the information

Cookie Information. We use “cookies” to optimise our sites usability and to enhance our advertising. One example of how cookies aid with the usability of the site, is that they store your email address or login ID (but never your password). They will also be used to confirm when you have reached a certain page i.e. A checkout page and will inform us on how you interact with our adverts. This will help us personalise the adverts that you see.

Site activity information. We keep track of the following; pages visited, length of visit, links clicked, form submitted, and downloads.

Access Device and Browser Information. When using a computer or mobile phone (or other device) to access Lightworks Digital or our partner sites, information may be collected from that device regarding browser type, location, IP address and pages visited

Links. If you click on a third party link, you are leaving Lightworks Digital (and our partner sites) and are being transferred to an external site. These external sites have their own privacy policies, which we have no control over. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of their information. We do not endorse the organisations or individuals that we link to. This includes any views they may express or products/services they offer. Below is the current list of official Lightworks Digital pages on third party websites.

CAN-SPAM Compliance. In compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, our emails will adhere to the following:

  • Clearly state who the email is from
  • Information on how to contact us (address etc)
  • A clear unsubscribe link and information on how the stop receiving the emails

Opt-Out Lightworks Digital and our partner sites will always provide the option for users to opt-out of receiving communications from us. There will be instructions on how to unsubscribe, located at the bottom of any email the user may receive from us. If a user no longer wishes to receive emails from Lightworks Digital, they can opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email.

We reserve the right to restrict access to parts of Lightworks Digital and our partner sites. It is your responsibility to keep your username and password confidential (if you have been provided with them).

Restricted Access

The testimonials on Lightworks Digital have not been altered, except for the correction of grammar and spelling mistakes, and the occasional shortening. This occurs when the individual has written a testimonial that is too long to be displayed or some information is not relevant to the public.

We receive Testimonials via text, audio or video. They consist of real experiences of individuals who have used our products and/or services. Individual experiences can vary and we do not suggest they are typical. The experiences of these individuals, in the testimonials, are not necessarily going to be the same as others who have used our products and/or services.

Any comments posted on our website are not the responsibility of Lightworks Digital. Lightworks Digital provides testimonials to share individual experiences with others, however we are not a forum for them. All testimonials are reviewed by Lightworks Digital staff, and will not be displayed until then.

The views and opinions in the testimonials are those of the individual and not of Lightworks Digital.

This is all in adherence to the FTC guidelines on “the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising”.

Use of Testimonials

What control does the customer have over their personal information?

You can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of our emails. However, if you wish for us to remove your personal data (name, email and mailing address) completely from our records then please contact us at info@lightworksdigital.co.uk.

In your browser, you have the ability to block or remove cookies, however this could affect the usability of our site. Below are some articles on why cookies can be beneficial


You can opt-out of cookie placement from the following third-parties:

To opt-out of Facebook advertising visit –https://www.facebook.com/help/146952742043748  

To opt-out of Google advertising visit – https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en  

Google Analytics – https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/

Lightworks Digital takes reasonable precautions to ensure that any information provided to us, whether collected or voluntarily given, is protected. Access to the information collected or submitted on Lightworks Digital is restricted to employees who require it to carry out their duties.

We will never knowingly collect childrens (under 13) personal data or contact them. Please contact info@lightworksdigital.co.uk, to notify us of our receipt of information by children (under 13).

Please do not send confidential/private information to us by email. This is not a secure form of communication. If you do send confidential/private information to us via email, you do so at your own risk. We have a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and sometimes information will be sent to us securely via this tool. Credit card information and other sensitive information is never transmitted via email.

Lightworks Digital will monitor site traffic with certain software programs, to ensure that there are no unauthorized attempts to alter or upload content.

Protecting the information

Lightworks Digital makes no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content contained on this website or any sites linked to this site.

All the materials on this site are provided ‘as is’ without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of merchantability, non infringement of intellectual property or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall Lightworks Digital or its agents or associates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, injury or death) arising out of the use of or inability to use the materials, even if Lightworks Digital has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time, without notice. If the policy does change, personal information that you have submitted to us under this privacy policy, will not be used inconsistently with this privacy policy, without your consent.

Rest assured, this privacy policy will be revised or updated if our practices change, or as we develop better ways to keep you informed about them. You should always revisit this page for the latest information, and check when the policy was last updated (at the bottom of this page). Changes to the policy shall not apply retroactively.

Policy changes and revisions


If you have any questions regarding this policy, or your dealings with our website, please contact us here: info@lightworksdigital.co.uk

[Insert Address]

By using this site you’re agreeing to the terms set forth in this privacy policy and will not hold Lightworks Digital liable.

Last updated: 25th July 2018